The Beginning - My First Post
Morning All,
I've toyed with the idea of blogging in the past, but never quite got round to doing anything about it. For some reason now I've decided to give this a go. It'll either work, or be as successful as USF1's 2010 launch. If you've never heard of the USF1 team, there's a good reason why.
There's not going to be a set theme or pattern to this blog, so I can't promise that I'll get F1 and MotoGP race write ups ready straight after every race, or that I'll have a new post every day. I'm just going to see how this goes for now.
Expect the format to change over then next few weeks as I get more used to Blogger, but for now I'm gonna keep it simple and try and get some posts and photos up.
Over the next couple of weeks I intend to post details of the trip I'm currently on, taking in Bali and Singapore. So far it's been quite an eye opener and I hope that those of you who find this blog will enjoy some of what I've found to share.
Then, we'll see the start of the European season in F1 2012. Personally I can't wait and think that this year is going to be another classic. It's got 2010 written all over it.
Some of my posts will simply be recommending some of the other blogs that I enjoy reading. They'll be short and sweet, but well worth paying attention to.
So for now, I'll leave you with this sneak peak photo of what this trip has in store for upcoming posts.
I hope to give the blog a fresh clean look once I've got my head around blogger and will be back soon.
In the meantime, I'm gonna take a dip in the pool.